
The Eastbourne Recorded Music Society was founded in 1947 as the Eastbourne Gramophone Societywhen about 100 music lovers assembled at the Gas Company’s Theatre on 9th December. The first speaker was the distinguished conductor Herbert Menges

At that timemusic enthusiasts could meet in one another’s homes to share their collections of 78s, and perhaps attend evening classes when they were available. But in Eastbourne this was the first opportunity to meet a wider circle of like-minded people on a regular basis and to hear enthusiastic explorations of a wide range of music topics, given by authoritative speakers.

In those early daysdiscs and the equipment to play them were expensiveand news of the latest recordings was not so readily available as it would later become. But even in the wake of the media revolution of recent years that has created new listening possibilities, and of course the arrival of further live music venues in Eastbourne, the need for an organised focus for the area’s music lovers has endured, here as in many other towns.

The list of our past events makes clear that we have always tried to cover the entire spectrum of ‘classical’ music, as well as frequently venturing into some of the more obviously popular traditions. Not surprisingly, the Society has retained a special interest in local musicians and composers, such as Cyril Scott and Frank Bridge. But our long –term goal has always been to cast the musical net as widely as we can.

We are sure that you will find an evening spent with us is an evening well spent.